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My personal and professional path has long been defined by membership in the family of helping professions. I followed a brief career in Clinical Genetics by a 20+ year career as a Physician Assistant providing health care services and counseling to young people and their families. I have extensive training in both pediatrics and end-of-life care.
     As I approached 50 years old, I chose to change professional direction. I returned to school and earned a doctorate in Mythology and Depth Psychology.           When  the election cycle of 2016 came I changed my entire focus to support voting rights nationally and here in CT. Giving voice to the unheard voices in our nation has been a recurring theme in my life. 

     At the moment, I run 2 voting rights groups and serve on the Advisory Ctte for 2 others. 

  1. Safe Vote CT, Co-Founder: meets weekly and has fought for Absentee Ballot access during the pandemic here in CT.  As these bills are moving through the legislature, we have focused on writing testimony, Letters to the Editor, phone banking, etc to expand AB access. Our focus now is on voter education about the 2022 Early Voting Ballot  referendum.

  2. CT Shoreline Indivisible: Co-Founder and Co-Lead of GOTV/Legislative Action Group.

  3. Center for Common Ground, CT Coordinator: Focusing on supporting civic engagement of voters of color in voter suppression states. 

  4. Tristate Maxxed Out Women's PAC: Advisory Council on Grassroots work


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